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Price Guarantee

What we promise to provide is the original high quality and cost-effective projector bulb! 

Please note that we do not compare with inferior compatible projector bulbs (wick and cup assembly). We do not compare with bare lamps (with no plastic case/module) or fake lamps because they are not comparable. 

Unfortunately, many manufacturers of projector bulbs on the market now sell counterfeit and fake projector bulbs. Some lamps infringe patents (illegal) and damage projectors (Philips Lighting has been proven). Please pay more attention when buying projector bulbs. 

If you want to know about the dangers of inferior bulbs (with wick bulbs) or to consult how to avoid buying inferior counterfeit bulbs, please call our support phone at 4008-552-336 or send an e-mail to sales@zorsika.com.
